Victoria Leonetti-Escandell, Jacopo Torregrossa

Universidad Complutense Madrid

Victoria Leonetti-Escandell, Jacopo Torregrossa

Universidad Complutense Madrid


Victoria Leonetti-Escandell is a PhD student at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and she teaches Italian at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). Her current investigation is focused on reference management in Spanish and Italian monolingual and bilingual speakers. Her aim is to understand anaphora resolution in pro-drop languages considering different aspects of language together: from more internal, such as grammatical aspects (syntax, morphology) to more external ones, such as pragmatics or extra-linguistic elements (world knowledge), as well as the most cognitive part of acquisition. In addition, she has worked on the semantics of bare nouns and on Information Structure.


All sessions by Victoria Leonetti-Escandell, Jacopo Torregrossa