Ramunė Kasperė, Svitlana Matvieieva

Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Ramunė Kasperė, Svitlana Matvieieva

Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania


Ramunė Kasperė is professor and principal investigator of the research group Language and Technologies. Her research interests include machine translation, post-editing, translator competence, generative artificial intelligence tools, and eye tracking methodology. She is editor-in-chief of Scopus-indexed journal Studies about Languages, has been leading and conducting research projects on the impact of technologies in society, has been involved in international networks on research in crowdsourcing techniques for language learning and eye tracking methodology. She is currently leading Working Group 1 of COST Action CA21131 Enabling multilingual eye-tracking data collection for human and machine language processing research.

Svitlana Matvieieva is a Dr. Sc., Prof., Researcher of the research group “Language and Technologies”. Her research interests include corpus linguistics, cognitive terminological studies, and translation studies. She is a member of the editorial team of Scopus- and Web of Science-indexed journal “Cognitive Studies / Études cognitives” (Poland), a member of the editorial board of the journal “Scientific Journal of Mykhailo Dragomanov State University of Ukraine. Series 9. Current Trends in Language Development” (Ukraine), member of the research project “Linguistic Corpus Research in Comparative and Applied Aspects” (Ukraine). She is currently a member of the Working Group 1 of COST Action CA21131 Enabling multilingual eye-tracking data collection for human and machine language processing research.

All sessions by Ramunė Kasperė, Svitlana Matvieieva