Monika Kirner-Ludwig, Hannah Magdalena Stark

University of Innsbruck

Monika Kirner-Ludwig, Hannah Magdalena Stark

University of Innsbruck,


Monika Kirner-Ludwig is Associate Professor of English Linguistics at the University of Innsbruck (Austria) and research-affiliated with the University at Albany (SUNY, USA). She holds a venia docendi and a PhD in English Linguistics from the Universities of Innsbruck (2023) and Munich (2013). Her research foci lie within Intercultural Pragmatics, the Pragmatics of Quoting, Humor Pragmatics and Telecinematic Stylistics. Recent publications appear in Corpus Pragmatics (2023), The European Journal of Humour Research, the Cambridge Handbook of Intercultural Pragmatics (2022) and the Handbook of Language and Pop Culture (forthcoming). She is co-editor of the Routledge book series ‘New Waves in Pragmatics’.

Hannah Magdalena Stark is a Graduate Student currently enrolled in the Master’s programs of Romance Languages (with a focus on Spanish and English) and American Studies at the University of Innsbruck. Apart from her studies, she is currently working at the Spanish and Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies Department and as a co-researcher in the English Linguistics Department. Her specific research interests lie in Spanish and Latin American Literature and Pragmatics, particularly in connection with Telecinematic Discourse.

All sessions by Monika Kirner-Ludwig, Hannah Magdalena Stark