Mattia Retta, Tanja Trebucchi, Francesco Caprioli

University of Helsinki, University of Bergamo

Mattia Retta, Tanja Trebucchi, Francesco Caprioli

University of Helsinki, University of Bergamo,


Mattia Retta is a PhD student in Language Studies at the University of Helsinki (Finland). He holds a M.A. degree in Italian Philology from the University of Helsinki (Finland) and a B.A. degree in Russian language and literature from the University of Turin (Italy). His doctoral research project focuses on the investigation of implicit forms of hate speech on Italian politicians’ social media accounts. Other research interests include pragmatics in translation, critical discourse analysis, Italian and Latin information structure, and foreign language teaching.

Tanja Trebucchi is a PhD student in Linguistics at the University of Bergamo. She holds a M.A. degree in Communication, Information and Publishing from the University of Bergamo (Italy). Her PhD research project focuses on the use of pragmatic markers in Italian political speech, with a particular focus on their role in creating (inter)subjectivity and persuasion in the audience. Other research interests are inter- and cross-cultural communication, critical discourse analysis and studies on the simplification of administrative-bureaucratic language.

Francesco Caprioli is a PhD student in German Linguistics at the University of Bergamo/Pavia (Italy). He holds a double M.A. degree in German and French Linguistics at the University of Bergamo (Italy) and at the Ruhr University Bochum (Germany). His doctoral research project focuses on a syntactic phenomenon at the right periphery (Nachfeld) of the German sentence, specifically within parliamentary oral speeches from plenaries of the European Parliament delivered by deputies elected in Germany, and their simultaneous interpretation into Italian. Other research interests are prosody, German information structure, and German orthography.

All sessions by Mattia Retta, Tanja Trebucchi, Francesco Caprioli