Delia Chiaro

Professor of English Language and Translation

Delia Chiaro

Professor of English Language and Translation


Born, raised and educated in the UK, Delia Chiaro has spent her academic life in Italy where she is currently Professor of English Language and Translation at the University of Bologna.

Her research has focused on everything and anything that is benignly multi-faceted and incongruous including bilingualism, audiovisual translation, humour and especially a mixture of all three. She has over a hundred publications in the form of articles, book chapters and books as well as having been invited speaker at conferences around the world. She has been interviewed on her research by the BBC (2018), the journal Mind (2018) The Economist (2019) and Swiss radio (2020).

Her latest book The Language of Jokes in the Digital Age (Routledge 2018) will soon be followed by Comedy in Political Language: How Politicians Use Humour (forthcoming with Cambridge University Press) and Language and Laughter on a Plate: A Study of Food and Humour (co-authored with Debra Aarons, forthcoming with Taylor and Francis).

All sessions by Delia Chiaro

The tangled intercultural web we weave: Humour online

31 May 2024
Conference Room